LEGO Serious Play

Is 80% of your workshop and/or meeting time dominated by 20% of the people? Do you feel your full team potential and views are not leveraged? Would you like to bring in a memorable experience to build and develop your team? Did you ever hear of the highly effective facilitation method LEGO Serious Play?


Being an experienced workshop facilitator, a LEGO girl by heart and certified in LEGO Serious Play - I can work with you and your team(s) to assess your business issues, and design a tailored workshop to address them with full team participation and commitment.

Application areas are extremely varied. There is hardly no problem that cannot be tackled through this effective facilitation method, varying from: strategy setting, to team visions, team collaborations & ways of working, project kicks offs and retrospective, and assessment of what is working well or can be further improved.

Curious to know more, to see in what way your organization or team could benefit from LEGO Serious Play? Reach out to me to explore.

Read more about LEGO Serious Play in this LinkedIn article.

Or watch this video to see how LEGO Serious Play works, its benefits and application areas: